Tennis & Country Club Fujairah to present an Art Exhibition “Different Vision” from 20th May 2021.

Tennis & Country Club Fujairah will be presenting an Art Exhibition titled as ‘Different Vision’, which will be inaugurating on from 20th May 2021 and will go on till 26th May 2021. The motto behind hosting the exhibition is to promote the idea that ‘Art is beyond the form of entertainment and can be a source of creativity and thought-provoking ideas as well’.

The event’s main exhibitors are Dr. Awatef Salah from Egypt and Bojana Marinkovic Bachelet from Croatia. The event is expected to be attended by media representatives, management members and all creativity enthusiasts within social distancing regulations.

When asked to say a few words about the exhibition Bojana Marinkovic Bachelet from Croatia said; “a few years ago, I was encouraged by a friend to start painting as a form of therapy since I was having a lot of stress at work. I enjoyed painting so much, that I started painting up to 8 hours straight. I loaded my friends’ homes with paintings. People started asking me to paint for them. It is rewarding and motivating to be recognized by your work; I am so very grateful”. 

She further added by saying that; “I started taking art courses and having consultations with professional artists. During one course, I met my dear friend Dr. Awatef. We are so different in many ways; from completely diverse cultures and worlds, yet we share the same passion for art and that made us close. I am very honored to have had the chance to make an exhibition with such a talented artist. I hope that you will enjoy our paintings as much as we enjoyed making them”.

About Dr. Awatef Salah: Dr. Awatef Salah is an Egyptian Cairo-based multi-award-winning visual artist. She holds a PH.D in Environmental Decoration Projects from the Faculty of Applied Arts, Helwan University. She works as Assistant professor at the Faculty. She is also a painter who at times moves to photography. Her work has been exhibited at galleries, festivals, and museums locally and internationally. She has many group exhibitions and scholarships from different institutions in Egypt and abroad.

About Bojana Marinkovic Bachelet: When asked to say something about herself she said; “am I an artist? I am still very shy to say that as the first thing about myself, but art is a huge part of my being. I was born in Croatia in 1981, but most of my life and education were spent in Serbia. When I started university, it was during a war. My whole youth I spent in poverty. However, as poor as we were in one sense, we were also rich in culture, spirituality, and relationships. I did not have a chance to argue with my parents to study art. They are pragmatic people. Instead of art, I received my Master’s in Economics. For 13 years I was chasing a career in multinational co-operations as a data analyst. Climbing higher and higher, I loved my job and never thought that I would be more satisfied and fulfilled with painting (@paintings4i) and photography (@babyphotobyb)”. 

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