Quick Questions & Answer session with Danish Hayat.

Danish Hayat is a model, actor, director and entrepreneur. Besides his glamorous profession, he also loves travelling, socializing and working out to get in shape/  

Let’s quickly ask our favorite star Danish Hayat some questions about his work, his personal life and so on.

Question: How do you define yourself in 3 words?
Answer:  Straight forward, humble and funny.
Question: What keeps you grounded?
Answer: My roots keep me grounded.
Question: Since you travel a lot, which places left an impact on you as a person?
Answer: I think every place wherever I have been had an individual impact on me.
Question: What do you do in your free time?
Answer: Spend time with family, go to gym more regularly.
Question: Do you have large social circle?
Answer: Yes I think I have a large social circle.
Question: How pandemic has treated you?
Answer: Pandemic has treated me just like has it treated others, but I got time to spend with my pet dogs which honestly they deserved.
Question: We have seen you talking about social issues, do you have any plans to join politics?
Answer: Talking about social issues has nothing to do with politics, as a citizen of a country I can talk about social issues. If my voice is heard and if I feel I should join politics, may be!
Question: What’s your favorite place to visit?
Answer: Currently it’s Japan
Question: Family or friends?
Answer: Both
Question: Karachi or Lahore?
Answer: BIRYANI. (ends with loud laugh).