3rd Steering Committee Meeting for 11th Edition of ‘International Defence Exhibition & Seminar’ – IDEAS-2022.

“The 11th edition of International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS-2022) scheduled from 15th November to 18th November 2022 at Karachi Expo Centre (KEC) will significantly contribute towards fostering and promoting Pakistan’s strategic relations with international fraternity and would serve to achieve the shared objectives of global peace, stability and balance”, stated Syed Murad Ali Shah, Chief Minister of Sindh while chairing the 3rd Steering Committee Meeting held at Chief Minister Sindh Secretariat.

The Chief Minister added by saying that; “hosting IDEAS-2022 is a testimony to our pledge for encouraging technological growth and exchange in the region. We reassure of our continuous patronage and full support of Government of Sindh for successful accomplishment of IDEAS – 2022”.

The meeting was attended by senior representatives from Federal Ministries, various departments of Government of Sindh, Armed Forces of Pakistan, Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and Badar Expo Solutions, the Event Manager.

To provide impetus to ongoing national level preparations for this strategically important event, the second session was chaired by Director General, Defence Export Promotion Organization (DEPO), Major General Muhammad Arif Malik, HI (M).

He was appraised about the finalization of administrative, security and support plans by various Government Departments, Armed Forces of Pakistan and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEA’s).

Towards the end of second session, DG DEPO Major General Muhammad Arif Malik, HI (M) highlighted by saying that; “this event as per its traditions will host number of splendid activities encompassing world’s cutting edge Defence technology demonstrations, International Seminars, Cultural Show and business expansions through well planned B2B and B2G engagements”.

He added that; “Karachi Show will be arranged exclusively for the people of Karachi at Sea View (Nishan-e-Pakistan) on 17th November 2022”.

At the end of the meeting, CEO of Badar Expo Solutions Zohair Naseer said that; “with the support of armed forces, federal government and provincial government and law enforcing agencies, the IDEAS 2022 is to be held in a befitting manner and Badar Expo Solutions as the organizer will play its due role to make this event achieve its national goals,”.

During the 3rd Steering Committee meeting, all government organizations and departments pledged their full support for successful accomplishment of IDEAS – 2022.

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