Official (post event) statement from organizers of the ‘Pakistan International Screen Awards 2020’.

The team of the first Pakistan International Screen Awards 2020 would like to thank all celebrities and artists who attended the event on 07th February 2020 at Coca Cola Arena in Dubai UAE.


Overall, this inaugural event was a huge success in creating the buzz around Pakistan and its artist community. The event was successfully able to create the perception of Pakistan film and TV industry being recognized on a global platform.


Without doubt that the event encountered many challenges to say the least, an event of this magnitude is a huge undertaking and consequently if anyone during this process has been let down or have been mis-communicated then PISA team takes full responsibility of it. We by no means intended to disrespect any of our prestigious guests.


Our intention was to host the first independent awards ceremony internationally to help elevate Pakistani talent. We hope that we have achieved some momentum with our partners and supporters and the team that worked tirelessly for months to bring this to fruition. We also hope to make PISA an annual event for years to come and improve from the learning’s from this year’s event.