World renowned marketing book accolades Jaffer Business Systems as a purpose driven dynamic tech corporation.

Kotler Impact has recently launched its book ‘Essentials of Modern Marketing’ in Pakistan, written by the marketing guru himself Mr. Philip Kotler. It is for the first time that an international book has incorporated success stories of Pakistani organizations as case studies. Jaffer Business Systems is one of the 16 distinguished companies from Pakistan that are mentioned in this book.

Students in Pakistan and other developing countries are used to studying the case studies/success stories of foreign companies as part of their textbooks, and they would hardly relate with their products and services. Now, they will study about the companies, the products, or services of which they either avail or see around them. This is a breakthrough for Jaffer Business Systems being the only tech company covered in Kotler’s Book – bridging the gap between the academia and corporate sectors.

“I am delighted that JBS was selected as one of the case studies, along with many other top companies from Pakistan. It is a great milestone for our country to have a book on local case studies as we badly lack local content for our students and readers in general. The case studies on JBS and other companies will now add more details from the local perspective for the students in Pakistan, which was an essential missing element in our business books all these years. I am sure it will help prepare them better for professional life. JBS has been making great strides in recent times with expansion in its existing businesses, we will be investing in creating more businesses like Hysab Kytab, JBS Incorporated (in USA), and via the acquisition of start-ups like Blutech Consulting and ENA.  We will continue to remain focused on achieving both vertical and horizontal growth in terms of portfolio of products, customers, and territories”, said Syed-ul-Veqar Islam.

Expressing his views on the occasion, Mr. Sheikh Tariq, (Regional Sales Head of Jaffer Business Systems) said; “it’s a moment of great privilege for the entire Jaffar Business Systems after getting recognized in one of the top-tier marketing books. Our journey towards technological advancement, research and maintaining excellence in client services will keep growing magnanimously in years ahead.”

He further added; “this recognition will surely play a great role in bringing Pakistan’s IT sector on the face of world map in the surroundings where techie giants are already on the leading position.”

An esteemed panel of speakers present at the event included Dr. Fahim CMO Kotler Impact, Fatima Asad Said CEO Abacus, Irfan Wahab Khan CEO Telenor, Atif Sultan Director Marketing Foods PepsiCo, Professor Dr. Asghar Zaidi VC Government College University, Dr. Omair Haroon Assistant Professor SDSB LUMS and Humayun Farooq, Director Marketing Reckitt Benckiser while the moot was moderated by Javaria Khan Country Head Sales & Marketing Chughtai Healthcare.

RB Hygiene Home collaborates with Survey Auto to digitize its business operations.

Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Hygiene Home, makers of Harpic and Mortein, has collaborated with Survey Auto to digitally transform its business operations. This was announced in Karachi between Akbar Ali Shah, Country Manager, RB Hygiene Home and Umar Saif, CEO, Survey Auto.

As part of the collaboration, RB and Survey Auto will use big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to map and identify trade areas with low distribution, household penetration and unmet sales potential. Using predictive analytics, Survey Auto will identify potential dengue & malaria hot-spots using satellite imagery, weather forecast and water body accumulation.  By identifying neighbourhoods based on socio-economic classes and vulnerable segments, Survey Auto will also help RB in its fight to make highest quality hygiene products accessible for all and not just a privilege for a few.

Talking about this initiative, Akbar Ali Shah said; “RB is a forward-looking business and in our relentless pursuit of a cleaner and healthier world, we are constantly working towards optimising our reach and ensuring accessibility of our products in urban centres as well as rural villages of Pakistan. Our vision is to ensure that every household has a better lifestyle by equipping them with tools that protect their health and hygiene”.

In a statement, Survey Auto’s CEO, Umar Saif, stated; “now more than ever is the need to ensure that our people have a healthier and hygienic lifestyle. This can only be made possible if everyone, irrespective of their location, has access to health and hygiene products. Our uber-ised model of field data collection and machine learning-based analytics makes this process simpler and easier. We hope that through this collaboration we will be able to bring a positive difference in the lifestyles of Pakistanis across the country”.

Umar Saif & Akbar Ali Shah exchanging documents.
Umar Saif & Akbar Ali Shah signing documents.
Umar Saif & Akbar Ali Shah with their respective teams.

Reckitt Benckiser (RB) collaborates with WaterAid Pakistan to continue relief efforts to fight Covid-19.

Reckitt Benckiser Group, makers of leading health and hygiene brands such as Dettol and Harpic, collaborate with WaterAid Pakistan to further their relief mission to fight COVID-19 in the country. This collaboration includes donating Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) and hygiene kits for the protection of healthcare professionals across the country. This further includes creating awareness to educate masses, especially in the rural areas, on preventative measures to protect themselves from contracting COVID-19 as well as viruses and illnesses. This educational effort will be supported by distribution of soap and creation of hand washing facilities in various parts of the country.

As the country moves into the fourth month since the outbreak, the curve continues to rise steeply. This is an extremely alarming situation and the need to do aggressive efforts both on an individual as well as organizational level to stop the spread. The two key priorities right now are to protect Pakistan’s healthcare community, our front-line workers, who are facing the brunt of this virus, and to educate the masses in order to prevent the situation from worsening. This is a national responsibility and an utmost priority to protect the people of Pakistan by equipping them with the right tools that will help them win this battle.

Siddiq Khan, Country Director, Water-Aid Pakistan said, “WaterAid Pakistan is already working extensively with RBPL to educate masses in the rural areas on hand hygiene and proper sanitation practices. It is our responsibility as a nation to provide for the front-line workers and for all those vulnerable members of the society that are affected by CoVid-19. This effort is aimed at reaching out to people across Pakistan in the most adversely affected districts of the country”.

RB Group recently announced a commitment of Rs. 500 million for relief efforts to help the country fight the CoVid-19 pandemic. RB stands true to its purpose of Protect, Heal and Nurture by taking vital steps to fight this pandemic since its outbreak in February. The Company has already announced a partnership with the Ministry of Health to serve the country to spread public service messages to help the people of Pakistan. The Company also has donated its products to several NGOs for their ration drives across the country.